19 Jul Big 5 Wildlife Accommodation and Lodge
Big 5 Wildlife Lodge Accommodation with the Wow Factor
Increasing numbers of wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers and seekers of bushveld peace and tranquillity, are discovering the Waterberg region and its 5-star lodge accommodation – in particular, the warm, typical South African hospitality that’s extended to lodge guests at Fifty Seven Waterberg.
Add excellent opportunities to view the renowned Big 5, roaming freely in their natural habitat surrounding the main lodge, plus the individual guest accommodation suites, and one and all are sure to have the time of their lives during a wildlife experience to treasure.
Beautiful Big 5
Two members of the group of wild African game species that comprise the Big 5 are large in size. The African elephant is the biggest land mammal in South Africa, while the rhino is also somewhat of a behemoth, appearing to lumber through the bush, but is smaller in stature than the elephant.
However, the group of Big 5 animals were classified as such because they were considered to be the most difficult and dangerous of all the creatures that were sought by big game and trophy hunters in a bygone era, when wildlife was abundant and hunting was a widely accepted practice. Those were the days before any wildlife conservation initiatives existed.
The Big 5 include:
- The African elephant – they live in family groups, led by a matriarch.
- The lion – they are the only social big cats, very territorial, and extremely protective of their cubs.
- The leopard – they are solitary, shy felines that prefer to avoid confrontation with humans, preferring to find refuge in the limbs and branches of large trees, where they’re difficult to spot.
- The African rhinos – they are highly endangered and reputed to have poor eyesight, but have excellent hearing and may charge in the direction of anything or anyone perceived to present a threat.
- The Cape buffalo – they are heavy bovine creatures that are very unpredictable and will often charge in concert with the herd or alone. Many hunters of old thought of buffalos as being the most dangerous of all game animals to hunt
Waterberg Wildlife Lodge Accommodation
At Fifty Seven Waterberg, our main lodge and guest accommodation suites have the wow factor in spades, offering visitors 5-star elegance and luxury throughout. What could be more fulfilling than enjoying the well-designed, carefully considered grandeur of superior wildlife lodge accommodation in the heart of an untamed, private wilderness area?
Personal experience is the very best and only way to find out for yourself. Our guest numbers are limited, thereby preserving privacy, exclusivity and superior standards in a home-away-from-home ambience with more than a touch of luxury. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.